Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Headlights, Peeing, and the MAVS!

Let's talk about headlights.  Remembering to get a new headlight is like trying to remember to get new windshield wipers.  You only remember your wipers suck when it rains.  And you only remember you need a new headlight when it's 1AM, you've been drinking watching the MAVS win, you have forgotten your license, AND your registration is expired.  The entire ride home I'm trying to think how I'm going to talk my way out of this one.  I have talked myself out of a ticket since I was 19.  I take pride in this.  I do not get tickets.  FYI- I did not get pulled over.  But blah blah blah, my point is, remembering to buy a headlight is near impossible.  My headlight has been out for over a month, and yes, my windshield wipers have been just smearing water for at least 6 months.  Car maintenance is annoying.  I do change my oil- don't start judging completely- but it's just so annoying.  It's also like peeing.  Peeing is the biggest waste of time.  I am busy.  And it never fails, NEVER, that when I walk into Hobby Lobby I have to pee.  I am on a roll, running errands, getting things done, then suddenly your coffee has kicked in and is ready to evacuate immediately.  Taking the time to find a bathroom, go to the bathroom, then get back to what you were doing is just obnoxious.

What is that one thing that just annoys because it's a waste of time.

Dont ker- BrownRoots

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